Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tribute to my uncle

My dear uncle how I will miss you. I don't understand why you had to go. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I will always love and treasure you and the memories I have of you. Right now my heart hurts so very much and I am just having trouble understanding why. I will never forget your laugh. I think I will remember it most. I love you so much. Goodbye......

Friday, October 23, 2009

Awesome God

We serve an awesome and amazing God!!!! He is so good to us. He has really been ministering to me lately. I love and adore him. We are attending a church where they are reaching out to the lost and doing everything they can to help them and get them on the right road. I am just so thankful and excited about what God is doing. Our Pastor said that he wants God to bring in people who are having trouble with addictions and who are lost and desperate so that we can minister to them and help them. I want to reach out and touch lives. I pray God will help me do so. The hurting and lost. You never know what a hug or smile or encouraging word will do for someone.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Loving Heart, Helpful Hands

I wanted to give people the opportunity to share about what is going on in their live or others they know. Let me hear your stories (of overcoming a trial). Also,send me pictures (nothing x-rated) of Loving Heart and Helpful Hands. Please send me your stories and pictures at


ATTITUDE isn't simply a state of is also a reflection of what we value. Attitude is more than just saying I can,it is believing you can. It requires believing before seeing,because seeing is based on circumstances,believing is based on faith. Atttitude is so contagious especially when we allow it to turn our doubts of the past into passions of today and set the stage for our tomorrows. We have total ownership of our attitudes. No one else has the power to alter our attitudes without our permission. Our attitude allows us to become more empowering than money, to rise above our failures,and accept others for who they are,and what they say. It is more important than giftedness and is the forerunner of all skills needed for happiness and success. Our attitudes can be used to build us up or put us down-the choice is ours. It also gives us the wisdom to know that we can't change events of the past. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me,and 90% how I respond to it ..and it is with this state of mind that I remain in charge of my ATTITUDES.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Reaching out

Jesus said that we are to reach out to people and help them. If you know your brother or sister is in need and we have the means to help them then we are supposed to. We are to help the fatherless and the widows. We are to visit those who are sick and in prison. I am talking to myself to I fall short so many times. I long to help people in any way I can. I want to reach out and lend a helping hand,give a smile or hug or encouraging word. Sometimes I am to focused on what is going on in my own life that I don't always see the other needs out there. I want this blog to be used to reach out to people and to recognize people who go the extra mile to help others. Also, you are welcome to post prayer request and comments. I would love to hear from you. Let me know about people in your area who sacrifice to reach out to others and change lives. Share of those who have overcame sickness or other trials in their lives. Give someone a hug today. Let someone know that you care. In this time we live in so many are hurting. I challenge us all to reach out to someone.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Forever Families

I am a member of a group called Forever Families. My friend Tracy started it about 2 years ago. It is a 501c3 group that is geared to helping adoptive and foster families. Tracy has worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get this set up. I would like to thank her and also her husband and children. She has help provide items such as furniture,clothing,food,hygeine products,etc. She has set up a support group for the families to meet and talk. Also some of the hairstylist in our area have donated their time and have gave haircuts to the children and families. This is one of the reasons I have started this blog. I want people to know about Tracy and her efforts and all the other people out there who sacrifice to help other people. Let's reach out to other people and help in any way we can. A kind word,a smile,a helping a hand. Let's pass on some positive instead of the negative.

Why I created this blog

I created this blog to help people be aware of the caring hearts out there that want to help and make a difference in peoples lives. To share success stories and any encouraging words that I can. There is to much negative news I think we need to hear some positve news. Success stories of how people overcome hardships in life. If you have a story to tell or know of someone who has overcame any trial then I invite you to join me on this venture.